Wordperfect dos
Wordperfect dos

wordperfect dos

Company officials expect 30 percent to 40 percent of the 11 million WordPerfect DOS users to switch to the new version during the coming year. WordPerfect has 84 percent of the DOS word-processing market share. Version 6.0 may, in fact, enable WordPerfect to hold on to WordPerfect devotees who are not fully ready to move to Windows programs despite heavy pressure from other players in the software industry. "The new fax, sound, E-mail and spreadsheet capabilities found in this upgrade help make WordPerfect the application from which all personal computing originates." "WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS is a product that goes beyond word processing by providing solutions to a variety of day-to-day tasks," said Todd Ashman, product marketing director for WordPerfect for DOS.

wordperfect dos

WordPerfect 6.0 blurs the line between the DOS and Windows environments, blends spreadsheet and graphics programs with a word-processing program, and adds sound and in/out fax capability to the computer. "The hundreds of new and enhanced features in WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS allow people to accomplish tasks never before possible with a word processor." "Like version 5.1, WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS will set a new standard in information processing," said Alan Ashton, president. WordPerfect 6.0 succeeds WordPerfect 5.1, which has consistently ranked as the best-selling word-processing program since its introduction in 1989. The company expects to have versions of WordPerfect 6.0 available in 16 different languages within 30 days of its initial release. They included representatives from InfoWorld, PC Week, PC World, The Cobb Group, BYTE, Computer World, Computer Shopper, PC Computing and Lan Times.WordPerfect plans to begin shipping version 6.0 of its word-processing program, which still being field tested, in June or July. The company unveiled Word-Perfect 6.0 for DOS during a press conference that attracted representatives from about 30 of the computer industry's leading publications.

wordperfect dos

Talk of the looming death of DOS may turn out to be premature, based on a preview of a new version of WordPerfect's best-selling word-processing program Monday at Sundance.

Wordperfect dos