There were parts that could been done much better (even just a basic suit malfunction auto-repairing itself would have staved off the nonsensical plot beat that Samus's armor required authorization like her weapons). So while you didn't mean it that way, it's a joke I reflexively side-eye.Īnd yeah, like I said before, the game was not well-written. They were the bitter rantings of people from a time when the series was still on hiatus and Federation Force's existence was met with abject hostility.

The thing I'm coming from is that, historically, a lot of "strike it from canon" jokes at the game's expense.well, they weren't jokes. And if you need to go about rewriting and restructuring the game anyways then the question becomes how much more effort is it to just make a new 3D third person Metroid instead? And I think the answer is probably not a lot by that point. However fixing Other M to the point where the narrative's no longer a issue is a big ask, the narrative's too tied into the game design in its current form. Plus they lack the control issues Other M has, which I feel is the other major problem of that game, but that I think is easy to fix.

There isn't a inherent issue with story with Metroid, but it needs to keep the feeling that Samus and the items are what's driving you forward, not arbitrary story beats.įusion and Prime 3 has these issues certainly, but there's enough instances of traditional progression that you don't think about it so much. Even if the narrative was the Godfather of video game narratives the fact the story is ultimately what moves you forward instead of the acquisition of items and Samus herself is what kills the game. The issue with Other M is the narrative, but that's not because of anything to do with the actual narrative quality, that element is a mere distraction.